Shout out to Aunt Lindsey who gave me a minute to have to myself today....Meredith begged to go to her house and Lindsey said okay, so now I have a few minutes to breathe...I had a lot of time alone last week, but definately not productive since I had the worst sickness I have ever experienced. I just knew there would be a butt print in my couch from me being there so much. Come to find out I had a bacterial respiratory infection and a double ear infection...YUK!!! I still have not regained hearing in my left ear (the same one that Cory has no hearing in...we are a fine pair)! Cory took 2 days off of work and between that, mom, Drew, Lindsey, and Mandy---it takes a village I swear...they got me through the week. By last Friday I made it to the MD and got some meds. I am almost finished with a 10 day course and I am feeling better....the only thing lingering is a cough, so needless to say, I haven't had too much to report on, nor have I really felt like it. I think sometimes God wants us to appreciate our good health and not take it for granted. I have not worked at all in the past 2 weeks and I will work tommorrow and be off for 2 weeks again. With cut backs and all, there haven't been any extra shifts for me to pick up. February should pick up though because I am working some then. We have been staying busy though....Cory is almost done with the kitchen and I cannot wait to share with you guys the big...and I do mean big, reveal. I am having a Tastefully Simple party on Monday evening and I hope it can be done by then, everyone will be so surprised. Cory is so talented. I know I will enjoy my new sink and tile!!! Cory has also been out at the church property when he hasn't been working in the kitchen, alot of late nights this week. Next week he is on call, so I know we will really be missing some daddy time!!! As far as Meredith is concerned, she somehow made it through my sickness without catching it...Thank God!!! She did round up a cold/cough though, but I am thankful she is getting through without a trip to the MD. She got back to school and loved it and looks forward to that every week. I think I can now say she is offically potty trained. Although she has been working on this for some time, I cannot remember her last accident and some night she is even waking up dry, or dryer than normal. Praise God to be done with that!!! We went this week to play with her friend Rilee Hope and went to see another friend, Hannah's, dance recital. It was so cute watching the girls dance. Meredith wanted to be up there so bad...especially the gymnastics bit! I know she would love it, but now is just not a good time for us. School is her activity for now, maybe during summer break we can sign up for a semester....we will see. She also went to story time this week at the library. This was the first time we went to this particular went really well. There were about 7-9 girls between 2 1/2 to 5. Meredith sat in the front on a mat and listened really well to the stories and even tried to do all of the hand motions to the songs and finger plays. I was impressed, she is growing up!!! I do not have any new pictures to post, but hopefully by Sunday I can put some up of the kitchen. Continue to remember us as a family, this will be our last month on our medication to have a baby. I am at a cross roads right now and I have peace about whichever way things go. If this month is not successful, than we will stop for now and see where the Lord leads. This has been another year and one month gone to trying to expand our family and Cory and I do not feel led at this time to go any further with our treatments. I am exhausted with the medication and the toll it takes on me physically and emotionally. I know God sees and understands our hearts, and I also know He can work a miracle.....Meredith is proof of that! It is good to know when He works a miracle, the result is awesome and we are to thankful to have been blessed with the gift of Meredith in our lives. Financially and spiritually we are not at peace about going to a fertility doctor, please pray with us for wisdom.