I could be here all day with the ins and outs of our event yesterday, but I will try and be brief. To keep it short and simple is hopefully not taking away from all God did. He is still in the miracle business and I think all who were involved feel a new sense of faith restore....short of being jealous...which is just my pride getting in the way, the day was a beautiful testiment to God and how great He is. No matter the situation, He is in control.

Avery Reese arrived at eight o' three in the evening and weighed eight pounds three ounces...and this is at 9 days early. Lindsey was induced and had a slow start, but once things kicked in she had a 12 hour labor and did beautifully.....epidurals (when they work) are an awesome thing!! She never felt a thing...and is walking around her room like a champ.
We are so happy that in spite of the Dr's threats to do a C Section, Lindsey had the faith to wait it out and wait in labor longer until she DID progress against his odds....God is so good. Even when we don't understand why, He just is!!!! She is such a good baby so far and we are all so in love with her. Meredith is taking her in and I can already tell protective of her ( and her Grammy of course). We sang Happy Birthday to Avery after her birth and toasted with cupcakes. It was such a good day and Lindsey is EXTREMELY blessed in EVERY way and for this we are thankful. Here are just a few pics....from her proud Aunt!!